Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our God is great

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Our God is great The name of God is great above all the earth. I exalt Him, because He is Good, and His Mercies endureth forever. He gives me health and strength; provides me with food, raiment, and shelter. I thank Him because He is God, and there is no one can be like Him, and any other beside Him. He is God by Himself with all power and might. He is the creator, the life giver, and the blessed one through whom all things are given. I trust Him and I will not fear because, God is on my side. Therefore, there is not one living soul that shall come against me

Our God is g
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Monday, February 27, 2012

The Positive Side of Trials

        Your trials come to make you stronger, wiser, and better if ye faint not. So stuck your heels in and fight the good fight of faith for so doing you will receive a crown of glory

The Power of Positive Thinking

       The enemy will strike you where he thinks you are weak. He will discover your shortcomings, by watching the nagative things you do or say. However, if you exihited positive deeds,he will be confused and will never know from what angle to attack.

God never Give up on You

       When man give up on you, God doesn't. Once you trust and obey him, he wll deliver you just in time. God will surprise your enemies by pulling you out of the miry clay and set your feet upon a rock to stay, and put a song in your soul a song of praise. Then, they will know the God you serve.

Genuine Love

            We generally limit love to a relationship between a man and a woman, but love is the giving of ourselves to others. God is love, and once we have God, we will always have the desires to give. We can give our time, talent, or materially to those who are in dire needs. 
         However, the real test of love is when we can give and forgive our enemies. If we can veraciouly offer our resources to help our enemies in time of their needs, we will have passed the test of genuine love. Then, we will be able to convey our love to those, who come in contact with us.

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A Spiritual Revival

     Revive your spirit and conquer your fears. If you feel down, and defeated restore your relationship with God, through intercessions, meditation on his words, and singing songs of praises. Your affiliation with God, will give you power to endure long suffering and stay on top of obstacles. Your faith will be recharged and you will be able to move mountains. Nothing will be impossible for you!

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In The Presence of God

Sometimes, God has to take you away from the things, people, and situations you dearly love, so he can talk to you. When this occurs, don't get angry, anxious, or depress. Just stay calm, and listen to what God has to say to you. You will be astounded at the new direction he is taking you. In the case of Job: God took his health, children, and possessions to prove to satan that Job was faithful. However, God gave back to Job, all he had lost. Job experiece opened his eyes to see God in a new way.